Ngarringekburake Women’s Activity

Ngarringekburake (what we do) is a women’s focused activity which aims to help participants develop skills to express their Anindilyakwa culture. Jewellery and homewares are created with native seeds, nuts, and shells that the women gather during trips on country. A large part of this activity is the language, literacy and numeracy component, taught through a practical approach and includes counting and following written directions. When available, the ladies also participate in yoga sessions on country. These sessions provide tools, practices and approaches that are strength based, culturally relevant and historically sensitive.

Community Rejuvenation

Learning basic horticultural practices through community gardening and landscaping activities helps tidy Community gardens and maintain yards for the sick, elderly and disabled people.

Participants collaborate with Groote Eylandt Aboriginal Trust (GEAT) Market Garden to develop their horticulture skills and with Bush Medijina to undertake garden maintenance. They also establish cuttings in the on-site greenhouse for participants to take home and grow in their own yards.

Makarda Workshop

Markarda (Saltwater) workshop is a wood working and small motor workshop where participants get to work with tools associated with these industries. The activity is run in conjunction with training specific to anticipated local vacancies and includes introduction to welding practices, carpentry workshops, short courses and certificates.

Participants gain hands on experience through the mentorship of tradesmen at GCC (GEBIE Civil and Construction) who they work alongside during maintenance and repair work carried out at CDP.

Wurridarringka Kitchen and Garden

The Wurridarringka kitchen and garden activity incorporates the propagation of local produce with healthy eating and nutrition, as well as experience in a commercial kitchen. Facilitated by our onsite chef, participants cook nutritious meals for Work for the Dole participants while learning the mechanics of working in a retail environment.

Participants enjoy nutritious meals and increased awareness of nutrition and food hygiene practices which they use at home as well as learning how to use recipes and measuring equipment.

GEBIE GANG (Groote Archipelago Next Generation)

Groote Eylandt Bickerton Island Enterprises (GEBIE) Groote Archipelago Next Generation (GANG) is a small 15-month piolet program facilitated in conjunction with GEBIE Community Development Program (CDP) at Angurugu. GEBIE GANG officially commenced on the 1st April 2019 and grew from what was originally a music and media youth activity, funded under Prime Minister and Cabinets Youth Engagement Strategy funding. The GANG has evolved into a youth mentoring program focused on early intervention strategies to help young men and women make positive life choices. The program is currently aimed at 15 – 21 year old’s who we call the “ghost generation”, young people who are not engaged in employment, education, or other training and who are at significant risk of making detrimental decisions that may have lifelong ramifications.

GEBIE GANG works alongside many stakeholders to create different activities such as gardening, cooking, fitness, sport, computers, photography and many more. We also work with CDP and employers to develop work experience positions and engage with trainers to deliver both vocational and non-vocational education, as well as short employment preparation courses.

One of the major issues for young people is identification. GEBIE GANG helps young people navigate through the various agencies to obtain birth certificates, open bank accounts, obtain tax file numbers, proof of age cards, driver’s license, and register with Centrelink.

Mentoring is a big part of what we do. Our local youth mentors, through their own life experiences, speak to the young people and encourage them to be the best at what they do. All topics are open to discussion including jail, work, school, mentoring the next generation, role modelling, sport, community and healthy lifestyle.

Our program also works closely with police to identify troubled youth. We engage with family to understand their unique circumstances and then come up with a plan to support the young person through structure, routine, and supporting services.

Thank you to our GEBIE GANG contributors for making this program possible.


South 32 GEMCO